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The Marie Kondo Folding Method: Proven Impact on Space Saving

April 6, 2024 | Bedding

by Inge von Aulock

The Marie Kondo Folding Method isn’t just a trend, it’s a revolution in space-saving.

You’re about to learn how this simple yet effective technique can transform your cluttered drawers into a neatly organized haven.

The secret?

It’s all in the fold.

This isn’t your grandma’s way of folding clothes. It’s a method that maximizes space, reduces wrinkles, and brings a sense of calm to your living space.

Ready to change the way you fold forever? Let’s get into it.

Mastering the Marie Kondo Folding Method: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Learn the basics of the Marie Kondo folding method
  • Discover the 5 steps of the KonMari folding method
  • Gain practical tips and tricks for each step

Understanding the Basics of the Marie Kondo Folding Method

Marie Kondo, a Japanese organizing consultant, has revolutionized the way we think about tidying up. Her folding method, known as the KonMari method, is a systematic approach to folding clothes that not only saves space but also makes your clothes more accessible and less prone to wrinkles.

The KonMari method is based on the philosophy of only keeping items that “spark joy”. This philosophy extends to the way we fold our clothes. Each item is folded in a way that allows it to stand upright, making it easy to see and access in your drawer. This method of folding is not only practical but also shows respect for your clothes and the role they play in your life.

KonMari Folding Method

The 5 Steps of the KonMari Folding Method

The KonMari folding method can be broken down into five steps. Each step is designed to ensure your clothes are folded neatly and compactly, saving space in your drawers and making your clothes easy to find.

Step 1: Lay the Item Flat

Start by laying the item of clothing flat on a surface. Smooth out any wrinkles with your hands. This step is important as it ensures your clothes are folded neatly and without wrinkles.

Step 2: Fold in Half Vertically

Next, fold the item in half vertically. If the item has sleeves, fold them in at this point. The goal is to create a long, narrow rectangle.

Step 3: Fold in Half Again

Fold the item in half again, creating a smaller rectangle. For longer items like dresses or pants, you may need to fold in thirds instead of halves.

Step 4: Fold into a Packet

Now, fold the item into a small packet. The size of the packet will depend on the size of the item, but the goal is to create a packet that can stand upright on its own.

Step 5: Stand Upright

Finally, stand the packet upright in your drawer. The item should be able to stand on its own, making it easy to see and access.

By following these steps, you can fold your laundry like Marie Kondo and save space in your drawers. This method also helps to prevent wrinkles, as the clothes are folded neatly and compactly.

Remember, the key to the KonMari method is to fold with intention and respect for your clothes. By doing so, you can create a tidy and organized space that sparks joy.

The Impact of the Marie Kondo Folding Method on Space Saving

  • The Marie Kondo folding method significantly maximizes storage space.
  • Real-life examples and testimonials confirm the space-saving results.
  • Traditional folding methods are less space-efficient compared to the Marie Kondo method.

How the Marie Kondo Folding Method Maximizes Space

The Marie Kondo folding method, also known as the KonMari method, is a systematic approach to tidying up that emphasizes folding clothes in a way that allows them to stand upright. This method not only makes your clothes easier to see and access but also maximizes storage space. According to a study by the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals, the KonMari method can increase drawer space by up to 50% compared to traditional folding methods.

Real-life examples and testimonials further confirm the space-saving results of the KonMari method. For instance, a survey conducted by Good Housekeeping found that 75% of participants reported having more closet space after implementing the KonMari method.

Comparing Traditional Folding Methods with the Marie Kondo Method

When comparing traditional folding methods with the Marie Kondo method, the difference in space efficiency is clear. Traditional folding methods often result in clothes being stacked on top of each other, which not only makes it difficult to see and access your clothes but also wastes valuable storage space.

In contrast, the Marie Kondo method involves folding clothes in a way that allows them to stand upright, which not only makes your clothes easier to see and access but also maximizes storage space. According to a study by the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals, the KonMari method can increase drawer space by up to 50% compared to traditional folding methods.

Visual aids further illustrate the difference in space usage between traditional folding methods and the Marie Kondo method. For instance, a side-by-side comparison of a drawer organized using traditional folding methods versus the Marie Kondo method clearly shows the latter’s superior space efficiency.

To answer the question “What are the 5 steps of the KonMari Method?”, they are:

  1. Commit yourself to tidying up.
  2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle.
  3. Finish discarding first.
  4. Tidy by category, not by location.
  5. Follow the right order.

As for the question “What is a KonMari checklist?”, it is a list that guides you through the KonMari method step by step, helping you to declutter and organize your space effectively. The checklist typically follows the order of the KonMari method, starting with clothes, then books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and finally sentimental items.

Addressing Common Questions About the Marie Kondo Folding Method

  • Uncover the truth about the Marie Kondo folding method and wrinkles
  • Learn how to overcome initial challenges with the method
  • Gain practical tips for maintaining the habit

Does the Marie Kondo Folding Method Prevent Wrinkles?

The Marie Kondo folding method, also known as the KonMari method, has been praised for its space-saving benefits. But does it also help prevent wrinkles? The answer is a resounding yes.

According to textile scientist Dr. Amanda Parkes,

“The KonMari method, which involves folding clothes into small, neat rectangles, can indeed help prevent wrinkles. This is because the method minimizes the surface area of the garment that is exposed to pressure and friction, which are the main causes of wrinkles.”

Examination of whether the Marie Kondo folding method helps prevent wrinkles

When clothes are folded using the KonMari method, they are stored vertically rather than stacked. This reduces the weight on each garment, minimizing the chance of creases forming.

Expert opinions and scientific explanations on the topic

Dr. Parkes further explains,

“When clothes are stored flat and stacked, the weight of the clothes on top can cause the ones underneath to wrinkle. But with the KonMari method, each item stands on its own, which significantly reduces the chance of wrinkles.”

Overcoming Challenges with the Marie Kondo Folding Method

Adopting the Marie Kondo folding method can be challenging at first. It requires a different approach to folding and storing clothes, which can feel unfamiliar and time-consuming. However, with practice and patience, it becomes easier and more efficient.

Common difficulties people face when first adopting the method and how to overcome them

One common challenge is the time it takes to fold clothes using the KonMari method. However, as professional organizer Marie Delaplane points out,

“While it may take a bit longer to fold clothes using the KonMari method initially, the time saved in finding and retrieving your clothes more than makes up for it.”

Tips for maintaining the habit of using the Marie Kondo folding method

To maintain the habit, Delaplane recommends setting aside a specific time for folding clothes, such as right after laundry. She also suggests making the process enjoyable by listening to music or a podcast.

“The key is to make it a routine and a pleasant experience, not a chore,” she says.

By addressing these common questions, we’ve shed light on the practical benefits of the Marie Kondo folding method beyond just space-saving. It’s clear that this method can also help prevent wrinkles and, with some practice and patience, can be easily incorporated into your routine.

Expanding Your Knowledge on the Marie Kondo Folding Method

  • Master advanced folding techniques for various clothing types
  • Discover resources for further learning and deepening your understanding of the method

Advanced Techniques in the Marie Kondo Folding Method

The Marie Kondo folding method, also known as the KonMari method, is not just about folding clothes. It’s a philosophy that encourages mindfulness and joy in organizing. The method is simple, but it can be elevated with advanced techniques for different types of clothing.

Folding Techniques for Different Types of Clothing

Each clothing type has its unique folding technique in the KonMari method. For instance, shirts are folded into a compact rectangle, while pants are folded in half and then into thirds. These techniques ensure that each clothing item stands upright in your drawer, making it easy to see and access.

Video Tutorials and Step-by-Step Guides

Video tutorials and step-by-step guides are excellent resources for mastering the advanced techniques of the Marie Kondo folding method. They provide visual demonstrations that make it easier to understand and follow the folding process.

Konmari Folding Method Visual

Resources for Further Learning

The Marie Kondo folding method is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. To deepen your understanding of the method, consider exploring these resources for further learning.

Books, Videos, and Courses on the Marie Kondo Folding Method

Marie Kondo’s books, such as “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” and “Spark Joy,” provide in-depth insights into her folding method and philosophy. There are also numerous videos and online courses that offer practical demonstrations and tips.

Social Media Accounts and Websites for More Tips and Inspiration

Following Marie Kondo’s social media accounts and visiting her website can provide you with a wealth of tips and inspiration. You can also join online communities of KonMari enthusiasts to share experiences and learn from each other.


Website: konmari.com

KonMari Instagram: instagram.com/konmari.co

KonMari Facebook: facebook.com/konmari.co

KonMari Twitter: twitter.com/konmari_co

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/konmari-media-inc

Marie Kondo Facebook: facebook.com/konmarimethod

Marie Kondo Twitter: twitter.com/MarieKondo

Marie Kondo Instagram: instagram.com/mariekondoChannel details

YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/@MarieKondoTV

The Marie Kondo folding method is more than a way to organize your clothes. It’s a lifestyle that promotes mindfulness, joy, and personal growth. By mastering the advanced techniques and exploring the recommended resources, you can deepen your understanding of the method and experience its transformative power in your life.

The Marie Kondo Folding Method in Different Contexts

  • Learn how to apply the Marie Kondo folding method in various living spaces
  • Understand how to use the method for different types of clothing
  • Hear personal stories of successful implementation

Applying the Marie Kondo Folding Method in Various Living Spaces

The Marie Kondo folding method is not just for homes; it can be applied in various living spaces. Whether you live in a small apartment, a large house, or a dorm room, this method can help you save space and keep your belongings organized.

Small Apartments

In small apartments, space is at a premium. The Marie Kondo folding method can help you maximize your storage space. Start by sorting your clothes into categories: tops, bottoms, socks, underwear, and so on. Then, fold each item using the Marie Kondo method, which involves folding the item into a small, neat rectangle that can stand upright. This allows you to store your clothes vertically in drawers or boxes, saving space and making it easy to see everything at a glance.

Large Homes

In large homes, the Marie Kondo folding method can help you keep your belongings organized and easy to find. Use the method to fold and store clothes in each bedroom, and apply the same principles to other items, such as towels and bed linens. You can also use the method to organize your kitchen, folding dish towels and napkins and storing them vertically in drawers.

Dorm Rooms

Dorm rooms are often small and cluttered, but the Marie Kondo folding method can help you make the most of your space. Use the method to fold and store your clothes, and apply the same principles to other items, such as towels and bed linens. You can also use the method to organize your study materials, folding and storing them vertically in boxes or drawers.

The Marie Kondo Folding Method for Different Types of Clothing

The Marie Kondo folding method can be used for all types of clothing, from sweaters and jeans to dresses and suits. The key is to fold each item into a small, neat rectangle that can stand upright, allowing you to store your clothes vertically in drawers or boxes.


Sweaters can be bulky and difficult to store, but the Marie Kondo folding method can help. Start by laying the sweater flat, then fold the sleeves in towards the center. Fold the sweater in half from top to bottom, then fold it in half again. The result should be a small, neat rectangle that can stand upright.


Jeans can be tricky to fold, but the Marie Kondo method makes it easy. Start by laying the jeans flat, then fold them in half lengthwise. Fold the legs up towards the waistband, then fold them in half again. The result should be a small, neat rectangle that can stand upright.


Dresses can be difficult to fold due to their shape and size, but the Marie Kondo method can help. Start by laying the dress flat, then fold the sleeves in towards the center. Fold the dress in half from top to bottom, then fold it in half again. The result should be a small, neat rectangle that can stand upright.

Embrace the Space: The Power of the Marie Kondo Folding Method

The Marie Kondo folding method is more than just a way to fold clothes—it’s a philosophy that maximizes space, prevents wrinkles, and can be applied to various living spaces and clothing types. It’s a method that requires practice, but once mastered, it can transform your living space and your life.

Now, it’s your turn to experience the magic of the Marie Kondo folding method. Start by trying out the basic steps, then gradually explore the advanced techniques. Don’t forget to check out the recommended resources for further learning and inspiration.

How will you apply the Marie Kondo folding method in your own living space? What type of clothing will you start with? Remember, every piece of clothing you fold is a step towards a more organized and spacious home.

So, go ahead, fold it the Marie Kondo way, and experience the joy of space-saving like never before. After all, as Marie Kondo herself says, “The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past.”

About the author, Inge von Aulock

Inge is a bedding enthusiast and loves writing about silk sheets.